Update: Covid-19 & Tabletop Simulator
I'd just like to start by saying we here at Origami Whale hope everyone is staying safe and following social distancing guidelines. While we like to joke about the dangers of our world, this situation is not one we wish to make light of. It has certainly been a difficult time for everyone, so please continue to wash your hands, self isolate, and avoid any unnecessary travel.
It has been some time since we gave a general update on Danger The Game. And with the global pandemic, many of those previous updates have been somewhat affected. The most important of these has been a slight change in our next shipment of Danger The Game. Due to industry wide manufacturing delays, we've had to push the next wave by a little bit. Currently there is no exact date as we iron out details, but things are moving at a decent pace and we hope to have an official announcement for you soon.
Next, as some may be aware, conventions we were scheduled to attend have either been canceled or postponed, with more expected to follow suit. While this might be a little disappointing we would rather everyone keep healthy. As such we will plan accordingly and evaluate all options for any conventions that continue to move forward.
Finally we have some exciting news to share. To help combat any boredom you might be feeling, we've put together a low ink, printable version of Danger The Game. Not only that, a special download for Tabletop Simulator is also available. Now you'll be able to play Danger The Game online via the comfort of your own home! All for free (as long as you've already purchased Tabletop Simulator). We hope this will provide some much needed fun and levity during these difficult times. For more information, please visit: https://www.origamiwhalegames.com/free-version
Once again, stay safe and please: don't do anything too dangerous!